Estas escenografías están realizadas a la medida de nuestro tablero de juego que es de 2x1 metros, por eso a lo mejor son un poco grande, pero se pueden realizar de cualquier tamaño a comodidad del tablero de juego.
Indicar que ninguna de estas escenografías han sido realizada con poliestileno, sino que han sido realizadas en plástico de maquetas, dándole una gran dureza y sin que se rompa fácilmente.
In this eyelash we are going to put Warhammer's scenery that we have realized up to the moment, two types have been realized, the small pieces to put in the board of a free way and big some that can be used to play or to put of exhibition the figures.
Indicar que ninguna de estas escenografías han sido realizada con poliestileno, sino que han sido realizadas en plástico de maquetas, dándole una gran dureza y sin que se rompa fácilmente.
In this eyelash we are going to put Warhammer's scenery that we have realized up to the moment, two types have been realized, the small pieces to put in the board of a free way and big some that can be used to play or to put of exhibition the figures.
These scenearies are realized to the measure of our board of game that is of 2x1 meters, because of it probably they are a bit big, but they can be realized from any size to comfort of the board of game.
To indicate that none of these sceneries have been realized with poliestileno, but they have been realized in plasctic of models, giving him a great hardness and without it breaks easily,
La "Fortaleza de la Destrucción" ha sido realizado en papel maché, es una gran fortaleza con varios niveles de protección como es la muralla, la lava en la parte interior con accesos de madera. Las figuras de Warhammer se pueden situar tanto en el tejado de la fortaleza, como en camino de acceso o en la muralla, ya que se ha realizado para que quepan las figuras.
Las dos figuras que se muestran en la foto son dos figuras de enanos, con su base normal de 2 x 2 cm, se puede ver la gran diferencia con respecto a la puerta de acceso.
La fortaleza tiene una base de 80 x 60 cm y una altura máxima de 40 cm. Otros detalles son que la muralla mide entre 11 y 15 cm, y solo el portal de acceso tiene una altura de 25 cm.
The "Strength of the Destruction" has been realized in paper mache, is a great strength with several with several levels of protection since it is the wall, the lava in the interior part with accesses of wood. Warhammer's figures can place so much in the roof of the strength, also the figures can be placed in the wall since it has been realized in order that they fit the figures.
Both figures that appear in the photo are two dwarfs figures, with his normal base of 2 x 2 cm, it is possible to see the great difference with regard to the door of access.
The strength has a base of 80 x 60 cm and a maximum height of 40 cm. Other details are that the wall measures between 11 and 15 cm, and only the portal of access has a height of 25 cm.
En esta ocasión presentamos la "Torre del Mago Oscuro", ha sido realizado en plástico y en papel maché. Como se puede observar se le han realizado detalles como la puerta, la ventana o la bola superior de cristal.
Esta torre tiene una base de 28 x 31 cm y una altura de 42 cm.
This time we present the "Dark Wizard's Tower", was made of plastic and paper mache. Since it is possible to observe him details have been realized as the door, the windows or the top ball of crystal.
This tower has a base of 28 x 31 cm and a height of 42 cm.
Ahora se presenta una Torre de Alerta, está realizada en papel maché. Los árboles están realizados en espuma, alambre y papel maché, la campana ha sido realizada en plástico, la escalera de acceso ha sido realizada en la propia estructura realizada en papel maché. Las tres antorchas han sido realizada en madera, con unos bonitos colores.
La figura que aparece en la segunda foto es una figura de un enano de Warhammer, la base es de 2 x 2 cm, con esta imagen se puede ver el tamaño real de la escenografía.
Now a Warning Tower, is made of paper mache. The trees are made of foam, wire and paper mache, the bell has been made of plastic, the staircase has been made in the structure made of paper mache. The three torches have been made of wood, with beautiful colors.
The figure in the second photo is a picture of a Warhammer dwarf, the base is 2 x 2 cm, with this picture you can see the actual size of the set.
Esta escenografía de una casa esta realizada en madera y tal y como se puede observar tiene multitud de detalles como: la farola, las ventanas, las cabezas del tejado, la chimenea, las tuberías, etc.
La figura que aparece en la última foto es un enano de Warhammer con una base de 2 x 2 cm, para que se vea un ejemplo del tamaño real de la casa. Tiene una moqueta verde muy cómoda para colocar las figuras en ella y no se resbalen ni muevan.
Se le ha dado una gran variedad de colores para destacar los distintos detalles, quedando una casa con una gran armonía de colores.
The scenery of a house is made of wood and such and as you can see has many details as: streetlight, windows, heads located on the roof, chimney, pipelines located in the wall, etc.
The figure that appears in the last photo is a Warhammer dwarf with a base of 2 x 2 cm, so you can see an example of the actual size of the house. It has a very comfortable green carpet to place the figures in it and do not slip or move.
Has been given a variety of colors to highlight different details, leaving a house with a great harmony of colors.
Las zonas de juego que ofrece este Torreón son una en la parte superior de 7 x 7,5 cm y otra zona de juego alrededor del Torreón.
El Torreón está realizado para juegos de Warhammer, ha sido creado en madera, pero es ligero y resistente. Ha sido pintado a mano imitando a la piedra, con zonas de césped verde en distintas zonas.
La torre se eleva a varios niveles para crear un nivel de difícil acceso durante el juego, una rampa de madera ha sido creado para acceder a la torre. Cuenta con detalles realizados a mano, como las antorcha o la puerta, también han sido pintados a mano.
La base del torreón de Warhammer mide: 23.5 x 30 x 24 cm.
The zones of game offers this Tower are one in the top part of 2.75" x 2.95" (7 x 7.5 cm) and another zone of game around the Tower.
The Tower is realized for Warhammer, has been created in wood, but it is light and resistant. It has been painted to hand imitating to the stone, with zones of green lawn in different zones.
The tower is raised on several levels to create a difficult level of access during the game, a ramp of wood has been created to accede to the tower. It has details realized to hand as the torch or the door, also they have been painted to hand.
The base of Warhammer's tower measures: 9.25" x 11.81" x 9.44" (23.5 x 30 x 24 cm).
Torre y bunker totalmente fabricados en madera, con una peana de 10 x 15 cm, y una altura de 18 cm, muy detallada y totalmente fabricada a mano para un mayor realismo durante las partidas, y además muy decorativa.
Esta pieza es única y de alta calidad, como parte de escenografía de Warhammer es un complemento perfecto.
Tower and bunker totally made of wood, with a pedestal of 10 x 15 cm, and a height of 18 cm, very detailed and totally made of hand for a major realism during the games, and very decorative.
The piece is unique and of high quality, since part of scenery of Warhammer is a perfect complement.
En esta ocasión mostramos los restos de un templo, tanto la figura como todo lo demás ha sido tallado en plástico y se han pintado en varios colores como son el dorado para las ventanas, rojo para las letras.
La base total mide 14 x 10 cm, la altura máxima de la restos son de 11 cm. La altura de la figura son 8,5 cm y el diámetro de la ventana trasera es de 7,5 cm.
On this occasion show the remains of a temple, so the figure as everything else has been carved in plastic and they have painted in various colors such as gold for windows, red for letters-
The total base measures 14 x 10 cm, the maximum height of the remains are of 11 cm. Figure height are 8.5 cm and the diameter of the rear windows is 7.5 cm.
Ahora presentamos "Runas Mágicas", que ha sido realizado en papel mache todo excepto la llama central realizada en plástico.
La base total mide 18,5 x 17,5 cm, la altura máxima de las runas son de 8,5 cm, la altura del fuego es de 2,5 cm y el diámetro del circulo donde está la estrella es de 7 cm.
Now present "Rune Magic", which has been done in paper mache everything except the central flame made in plastic.
The total base measures 18.5 x 17.5 cm, height runes are 8.5 cm, maximum height of fire is 2.5 cm and the diameter of the circle is where the star is 7 cm.
Ahora vamos a presentar lo que hemos llamado "Templo de Sacrificio", esta realizado todo en plástico. El obelisco, las antorchas, el altar y el arco de entrada con la calavera ha sido tallado en plástico, pero las columnas del arco de entrada es de madera.
La base total mide 26 x 18 cm, el obelisco tiene una altura de 21,5 cm, la altura del altar es de 5 cm y la altura máxima del arco de entrada es de 12,5 cm.
Now we will present what we have called "Temple of Sacrifice", this made all in plastic. The obelisk, torches, the altar and the arched entrance with the skull has been carved in plastic, but the columns in the entrance arch is made of wood.
The total base measures 26 x 18 cm, the obelisk has a height of 21.5 cm, the height of the altar is 5 cm and the maximum height of the entrance arch is 12.5 cm.
Tal y como se puede observar tiene una gran cantidad de detalles. Tiene todos los elementos que los enanos necesitan para forjar sus herramientas. Tiene 10 cms de altura, esta realizada en plástico y todo ha sido tallado y pintado a mano.
As it is possible to observe has a great quantity of details. It has all the elements that the dwarfs need to forge his tools. It has 10 cms of height, this one realized in plastic and everything has been carved and painted to hand.
Este es el emblema que utilizan los altos elfos, ha sido creado para ponerlo en una escenografía más grande, en la puerta de los altos elfos, cuando la grande este terminada se subirá para que puedan ver lo bien que queda. Está realizada de plástico pero al tener muchos picos es más delicada que las otras escenografías que ya hemos mostrado.
This one is the emblem that the high elfs use, has been created to put it in a bigger scenery, in th door of th high elfs, when th big one this one finished will be raised in order that they could see well that stays. It is realized of plastic but on having had many beaks in more delicate than other sceneries that already we have showed.
Tal y como pueden comprobar en esta ocasión os traemos unas ruinas arcanas, esta vez se ha decidido pintar en color rojo, con lo cual tiene un contraste bonito con la piedra diseñada.
As they can verify in this occasion we bring a few arcane ruins, this time has been decided to do in red color, with which it has a nice contrast with th designed stone.
Estas son las minas para mi ejercito de enanos, no puedo describirla, lo mejor es mirarla. Tiene un montón de detalles como los raíles, las puertas con su nombre, un puesto de vigilancia en la parte superior, etc. La verdad es que mejor que en la foto, se ve en vivo y en directo.
La dimensión de la base es de 64 x 56 cms. y la altura que tiene la mina es de 48 cms.
These are the mines for my army of dwarfs, I cannot describe it, the better thing is to look at her. It takes a heap of details as the rails, the doors with his name, a position of vigilance in the top part, etc. The truth is that better that in the photo, one sees live broadcast.
The dimension of the base is of 64 x 56 cms and the height that has the mine is of 48 cms.
En esta hemos imitado a un torreón, para darle más realizamos se decidió hacerlo sobre un montículo. Tanto la puerta como la trampilla superior están realizadas de madera, además se le ha añadido un árbol y una runa para hacerlo más visible.
La dimensión de la base es de 36 x 29 cms y la altura que tiene esta escenografía es de 24 cms. El torreón tiene una altura de 18 cm y la base del torreón es de 10 x 11 cm, la altura de la runa es de 6 cm y el desnivel intermedio es de 4 cm.
In this one we have imitated to a tower, to give him more we realize it was decided to do it on a mound. Both the door and the top peep-hole are realized of wood, in addition a tree and a rune has been added to make it more visible.
The dimension of the base is of 36 x 29 cms and the height that has this scenery is of 24 cms. The tower has a height of 18 cm and the base of the tower is 10 x 11 cm, the height of the rune is 6 cm and the intermediate slope is 4 cm.
Este bosque esta formado por árboles y setos, pero como se puede ver en la imagen el elemento principal y que más destaca es un deposito de agua. Si se fijan bien colgando del poste trasversal del deposito hay una lampara para "iluminar" a las figuras. Esta escenografía está compuesto por tres pequeños niveles tanto de tierra como de hierba, la dimensión de esta escenografía es de 32 x 25 cm la base y 11,5 cm de altura.
This forest this one formed by trees and hedges, but since it is possible to see in the image the principal element and that more stands out is a water tank. If they are fixed well hanging of the post trasversal of the deposit there is a lamp "to" illuminate to the figures. This scenery is composed by three small levels both of land and of grass, the dimension of this scenery is of 32 x 25 cms the base and 11,5 cms of height.
Un cancho es un piedra grande, normalmente suele ser mayor que una persona. Como esta escenografía es en proporción más grande que la figura la he llamado cancho.
Es una piedra grande o una montaña pequeña, como se ve está adornada con hierba, está realizada con papel mache, tiene varios días de trabajo pero el resultado merece la pena. La dimensión de la base es de 20 x 12,5 cm y la altura es de 8 cm.
A cancho is one big stone, normally it is in the habit of being major that a person. Since this scenery is in proportion bigger that the figures and because of it I have called it cancho.
It is a big stone or a small mountain, since one sees is adorned by grass, is realized by paper mache, has several days of work but the result is worth it. The dimension of the base is of 20 x 12,5 cms and the height is 8 cms.
Tal y como lo he titulado esto son los restos que quedan de un edificio, según se ve se ha realizado imitando un edificio antiguo. La dimensión de la base es de 14 x 7,5 cms y la altura de de 13,5 cms.
As I have titled this they are the remains that stay of a building, as one sees has been realized imitating an ancient building. The dimension of the base is of 14 x 7,5 cms and the height of 13,5 cms.
En estas ruinas solo hemos quedado los cimientos de un edificio, por lo tanto tiene poca altura y aunque parezca grande no lo es, ya que en medio se pueden poner todo tipo de unidades de lucha. La dimensión de la base es de 22 x 10 cms y la altura de de 3,5 cms.
In these ruins only we have stayed the foundations of a building, therefore it has height small and though it seems to be big it is not, since in way they can put on all kinds of units of fight. The dimension of the base is of 22 x 10 cms and the height of 3,5 cms.
La "Fortaleza de la Destrucción" ha sido realizado en papel maché, es una gran fortaleza con varios niveles de protección como es la muralla, la lava en la parte interior con accesos de madera. Las figuras de Warhammer se pueden situar tanto en el tejado de la fortaleza, como en camino de acceso o en la muralla, ya que se ha realizado para que quepan las figuras.
Las dos figuras que se muestran en la foto son dos figuras de enanos, con su base normal de 2 x 2 cm, se puede ver la gran diferencia con respecto a la puerta de acceso.
La fortaleza tiene una base de 80 x 60 cm y una altura máxima de 40 cm. Otros detalles son que la muralla mide entre 11 y 15 cm, y solo el portal de acceso tiene una altura de 25 cm.
The "Strength of the Destruction" has been realized in paper mache, is a great strength with several with several levels of protection since it is the wall, the lava in the interior part with accesses of wood. Warhammer's figures can place so much in the roof of the strength, also the figures can be placed in the wall since it has been realized in order that they fit the figures.
Both figures that appear in the photo are two dwarfs figures, with his normal base of 2 x 2 cm, it is possible to see the great difference with regard to the door of access.
The strength has a base of 80 x 60 cm and a maximum height of 40 cm. Other details are that the wall measures between 11 and 15 cm, and only the portal of access has a height of 25 cm.
Esta torre tiene una base de 28 x 31 cm y una altura de 42 cm.
This time we present the "Dark Wizard's Tower", was made of plastic and paper mache. Since it is possible to observe him details have been realized as the door, the windows or the top ball of crystal.
This tower has a base of 28 x 31 cm and a height of 42 cm.
La figura que aparece en la segunda foto es una figura de un enano de Warhammer, la base es de 2 x 2 cm, con esta imagen se puede ver el tamaño real de la escenografía.
Now a Warning Tower, is made of paper mache. The trees are made of foam, wire and paper mache, the bell has been made of plastic, the staircase has been made in the structure made of paper mache. The three torches have been made of wood, with beautiful colors.
The figure in the second photo is a picture of a Warhammer dwarf, the base is 2 x 2 cm, with this picture you can see the actual size of the set.
La figura que aparece en la última foto es un enano de Warhammer con una base de 2 x 2 cm, para que se vea un ejemplo del tamaño real de la casa. Tiene una moqueta verde muy cómoda para colocar las figuras en ella y no se resbalen ni muevan.
Se le ha dado una gran variedad de colores para destacar los distintos detalles, quedando una casa con una gran armonía de colores.
The scenery of a house is made of wood and such and as you can see has many details as: streetlight, windows, heads located on the roof, chimney, pipelines located in the wall, etc.
The figure that appears in the last photo is a Warhammer dwarf with a base of 2 x 2 cm, so you can see an example of the actual size of the house. It has a very comfortable green carpet to place the figures in it and do not slip or move.
Has been given a variety of colors to highlight different details, leaving a house with a great harmony of colors.
El Torreón está realizado para juegos de Warhammer, ha sido creado en madera, pero es ligero y resistente. Ha sido pintado a mano imitando a la piedra, con zonas de césped verde en distintas zonas.
La torre se eleva a varios niveles para crear un nivel de difícil acceso durante el juego, una rampa de madera ha sido creado para acceder a la torre. Cuenta con detalles realizados a mano, como las antorcha o la puerta, también han sido pintados a mano.
La base del torreón de Warhammer mide: 23.5 x 30 x 24 cm.
The zones of game offers this Tower are one in the top part of 2.75" x 2.95" (7 x 7.5 cm) and another zone of game around the Tower.
The Tower is realized for Warhammer, has been created in wood, but it is light and resistant. It has been painted to hand imitating to the stone, with zones of green lawn in different zones.
The tower is raised on several levels to create a difficult level of access during the game, a ramp of wood has been created to accede to the tower. It has details realized to hand as the torch or the door, also they have been painted to hand.
The base of Warhammer's tower measures: 9.25" x 11.81" x 9.44" (23.5 x 30 x 24 cm).
Esta pieza es única y de alta calidad, como parte de escenografía de Warhammer es un complemento perfecto.
Tower and bunker totally made of wood, with a pedestal of 10 x 15 cm, and a height of 18 cm, very detailed and totally made of hand for a major realism during the games, and very decorative.
The piece is unique and of high quality, since part of scenery of Warhammer is a perfect complement.
La base total mide 14 x 10 cm, la altura máxima de la restos son de 11 cm. La altura de la figura son 8,5 cm y el diámetro de la ventana trasera es de 7,5 cm.
On this occasion show the remains of a temple, so the figure as everything else has been carved in plastic and they have painted in various colors such as gold for windows, red for letters-
The total base measures 14 x 10 cm, the maximum height of the remains are of 11 cm. Figure height are 8.5 cm and the diameter of the rear windows is 7.5 cm.
La base total mide 18,5 x 17,5 cm, la altura máxima de las runas son de 8,5 cm, la altura del fuego es de 2,5 cm y el diámetro del circulo donde está la estrella es de 7 cm.
Now present "Rune Magic", which has been done in paper mache everything except the central flame made in plastic.
The total base measures 18.5 x 17.5 cm, height runes are 8.5 cm, maximum height of fire is 2.5 cm and the diameter of the circle is where the star is 7 cm.
La base total mide 26 x 18 cm, el obelisco tiene una altura de 21,5 cm, la altura del altar es de 5 cm y la altura máxima del arco de entrada es de 12,5 cm.
Now we will present what we have called "Temple of Sacrifice", this made all in plastic. The obelisk, torches, the altar and the arched entrance with the skull has been carved in plastic, but the columns in the entrance arch is made of wood.
The total base measures 26 x 18 cm, the obelisk has a height of 21.5 cm, the height of the altar is 5 cm and the maximum height of the entrance arch is 12.5 cm.
As it is possible to observe has a great quantity of details. It has all the elements that the dwarfs need to forge his tools. It has 10 cms of height, this one realized in plastic and everything has been carved and painted to hand.
This one is the emblem that the high elfs use, has been created to put it in a bigger scenery, in th door of th high elfs, when th big one this one finished will be raised in order that they could see well that stays. It is realized of plastic but on having had many beaks in more delicate than other sceneries that already we have showed.
As they can verify in this occasion we bring a few arcane ruins, this time has been decided to do in red color, with which it has a nice contrast with th designed stone.
La dimensión de la base es de 64 x 56 cms. y la altura que tiene la mina es de 48 cms.
These are the mines for my army of dwarfs, I cannot describe it, the better thing is to look at her. It takes a heap of details as the rails, the doors with his name, a position of vigilance in the top part, etc. The truth is that better that in the photo, one sees live broadcast.
The dimension of the base is of 64 x 56 cms and the height that has the mine is of 48 cms.
La dimensión de la base es de 36 x 29 cms y la altura que tiene esta escenografía es de 24 cms. El torreón tiene una altura de 18 cm y la base del torreón es de 10 x 11 cm, la altura de la runa es de 6 cm y el desnivel intermedio es de 4 cm.
In this one we have imitated to a tower, to give him more we realize it was decided to do it on a mound. Both the door and the top peep-hole are realized of wood, in addition a tree and a rune has been added to make it more visible.
The dimension of the base is of 36 x 29 cms and the height that has this scenery is of 24 cms. The tower has a height of 18 cm and the base of the tower is 10 x 11 cm, the height of the rune is 6 cm and the intermediate slope is 4 cm.
This forest this one formed by trees and hedges, but since it is possible to see in the image the principal element and that more stands out is a water tank. If they are fixed well hanging of the post trasversal of the deposit there is a lamp "to" illuminate to the figures. This scenery is composed by three small levels both of land and of grass, the dimension of this scenery is of 32 x 25 cms the base and 11,5 cms of height.
Es una piedra grande o una montaña pequeña, como se ve está adornada con hierba, está realizada con papel mache, tiene varios días de trabajo pero el resultado merece la pena. La dimensión de la base es de 20 x 12,5 cm y la altura es de 8 cm.
A cancho is one big stone, normally it is in the habit of being major that a person. Since this scenery is in proportion bigger that the figures and because of it I have called it cancho.
It is a big stone or a small mountain, since one sees is adorned by grass, is realized by paper mache, has several days of work but the result is worth it. The dimension of the base is of 20 x 12,5 cms and the height is 8 cms.
As I have titled this they are the remains that stay of a building, as one sees has been realized imitating an ancient building. The dimension of the base is of 14 x 7,5 cms and the height of 13,5 cms.
In these ruins only we have stayed the foundations of a building, therefore it has height small and though it seems to be big it is not, since in way they can put on all kinds of units of fight. The dimension of the base is of 22 x 10 cms and the height of 3,5 cms.
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