El punto de cruz es una forma popular de bordado en la que usan puntadas que quedan en forma de equis. Emplea también otras puntadas, entre ellas las de ¼, ½, ¾ y de punto atrás. El punto de cruz se realiza usualmente sobre tejidos de trama uniforma y distinguible, y con menos frecuencia en tejidos de trama no uniforme, colocándoles encima un tejido de trama uniforme (cañamazo) que se retira hilo por hilo al finalizar el bordado.
The cross stitch is a popular form of embroidery in which they use stitches that stay in the shape of equis. It uses also other stitches, between them them of ¼, ½, ¾ and of point behind. The cross stitch is realized usually on fabrics of plot uniforma and distinguishable, and with fewer frequency in fabrics of plot not uniform, they placing above a fabric of uniform plot (cañamazo) that one withdraws thread for thread on having finished the embroidery.
The cross stitch is a popular form of embroidery in which they use stitches that stay in the shape of equis. It uses also other stitches, between them them of ¼, ½, ¾ and of point behind. The cross stitch is realized usually on fabrics of plot uniforma and distinguishable, and with fewer frequency in fabrics of plot not uniform, they placing above a fabric of uniform plot (cañamazo) that one withdraws thread for thread on having finished the embroidery.
En esta ocasión os presentamos un precioso cojín con un dibujo de Hello Kitty realizado a punto de cruz. El dibujo esta realizado con 6 colores distintos. La tela es de Aida 14 x 14, el hilo es de DMC.
El cuadro central blanco con el bordado mide 20 x 20 cm y el tamaño del cojín es de 45 x 45 cm.
In this occasion you let's sense beforehand a beautiful cushion with Hello Kitty's drawing on the verge of cross. The drawing this one realized with 6 different colors. The fabric is of Aida 14 x 14 cm, the thread is of DMC.
The central white picture with the embroidery measures 20 x 20 cm and the size of the cushion is of 45 x 45 cm.
El cuadro central blanco con el bordado mide 20 x 20 cm y el tamaño del cojín es de 45 x 45 cm.
In this occasion you let's sense beforehand a beautiful cushion with Hello Kitty's drawing on the verge of cross. The drawing this one realized with 6 different colors. The fabric is of Aida 14 x 14 cm, the thread is of DMC.
The central white picture with the embroidery measures 20 x 20 cm and the size of the cushion is of 45 x 45 cm.
Este trabajo son dos preciosos ángeles entregándose una antorcha. Con un solo color, azul oscuro. Las dimensiones de la tela es de 21x21 cms, mientras que el tamaño del diseño es de 15,5x15,5 cms. Este trabajo a sido realizado para insertarlo en un cojín de color azul y poner una puntilla azul en la unión de la costura, cuando lo termine subiré una segunda foto con el resultado final.
This work they are two precious angels a torch being delivered. With an alone color, dark blue. The dimensions of the fabric it is of 21x21 cms, whereas the size of the design is of 15,5x15,5 cms. This work to been realized to insert it in a cushion of blue color and to put a blue tack in the union of the seam, when it finishes it I will raise the second photo with the final result.
This work they are two precious angels a torch being delivered. With an alone color, dark blue. The dimensions of the fabric it is of 21x21 cms, whereas the size of the design is of 15,5x15,5 cms. This work to been realized to insert it in a cushion of blue color and to put a blue tack in the union of the seam, when it finishes it I will raise the second photo with the final result.
Este fue el primer nombre que realicé, esto fue hace años por eso las puntadas son tan grandes y se ve tanto la tela blanca del fondo en el nombre. Como se puede observar cada letra está realizada de un color distinto.
This one was the first name that I realized, this was years ago because of it the stitches are so big and one sees so much the white fabric of the fund in the name. Since it is possible to observe every letter it is realized of a different color.
This one was the first name that I realized, this was years ago because of it the stitches are so big and one sees so much the white fabric of the fund in the name. Since it is possible to observe every letter it is realized of a different color.
Este diseño de HELLO KITTY ha sido realizado con 5 colores distintos de DMC, el rojo típico para el lazo, rosa para la nariz, blanco para la piel de KITTY y el color más extraño pero muy bonito es el verde-azulado utilizado para el vestido, no es un color típico de los dibujos de HELLO KITTY pero queda muy bien.This HELLO KITTY's design has been realized by 5 colors different from DMC, the red typical one for the bow, rose for the nose, white for KITTY's skin and the strangest but very nice color in the green-bluish one used for the garment, is not a typical color of HELLO KITTY's drawings but it stays very well.
El diseño consta de dos partes diferenciada la superior y la inferior. En la partes superior consta de la palabra dragón en chino, mientras que la parte inferior es el dragón propiamente dicho, el dragón mide 50 cm. El tamaño total supera los 70 cm.
Este trabajo tiene más de 5 meses de trabajo, tiene más de 30 colores y abalorios distintos, los colores metalizados junto con los abalorios complica mucho el trabajo. Pero una vez terminado el cuadro que precioso y muy elegante para cualquier sitio.
The design consists of two parts differentiated the superior and the low one. In you her divide superior consists of the word dragoon in Chinese, whereas the low part is the dragoon in strict sense, the dragoon measures 50 cms. The total size overcomes 70 cms.
This work has more than 5 moths of work, has more than 30 colors and abalorios different, the colors metallized together with the abalorios it complicates very much the work. But once finished the picture that beautiful and very elegant for any site.
The design consists of two parts differentiated the superior and the low one. In you her divide superior consists of the word dragoon in Chinese, whereas the low part is the dragoon in strict sense, the dragoon measures 50 cms. The total size overcomes 70 cms.
This work has more than 5 moths of work, has more than 30 colors and abalorios different, the colors metallized together with the abalorios it complicates very much the work. But once finished the picture that beautiful and very elegant for any site.
Como se ve debajo es un ángel sentado un la luna, es un diseño bonito y sexy. Este trabajo tiene más de seis meses ya que en él se utilizan 37 colores distintos. Las dimensiones de este cuadro son 65 cm x 45 cm, queda un cuadro espectacular. ANGEL IN THE MOON
Since it is possible to see below, it is a seated angel the moon, is a nice and sexy design. This design has more than six months of work, since in him 37 different colors are in use. The dimensions of this picture are 65 x 45 cm, a spectacular picture.
A continuación hemos puesto dos letras chinas, queda muy bonito los tonos negro y dorado mezclado con el color rojo del fondo. Estas letras se pueden poner juntas o por separado ya que de las dos maneras quedan muy bien.Later we have put two Chinese letters, there remains very nice the tones black and gilding mixed with the red color of the bottom. Hanging these letters can be united or separately since of both ways they stay very well.
Es un cuadro de un angelito dormido en una luna, creado para regalo de una prima.SLEPT LITTLE ANGEL
It is a picture of a little angel slept in a moon, create for gift of a cousin.
Aquí hay de todo tipo y tamaños, desde solo nombre o dibujos hasta una mezcla de ambos que ocupan todo el babero.Here it is of all kinds and sizes, from alone name or drawings up to a mixture of both that occupy the whole bib.